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Who Have We Worked With?

Industry Areas

  • Automobiles and Aftermarket Parts and Accessories
  • Distribution and Logistics Services
  • Service & Maintenance
  • Consumer Finance, Leasing and Insurance
  • Retail
  • Consultancy
€450m. Automotive distribution and retail business
Belgium and Luxembourg
As Managing Director:
Achieve business turn around. Reengineer and restructured organisation
Profitability improved from loss to profit in 3 years. Relocated head office, reduced costs, vehicle inventory and headcount and closed parts warehouse (including difficult Union negotiations)
£1.1bn. Distributor/Retailer representing "Top 3" Carmaker
7 countries in Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Africa
Build brand strength and network representation in each market. Grow market share and sales while improving operating margins and cash flow
Turnover and profits doubled and achieved leadership in 3 markets. Negotiated new distribution agreements with the principal for every market
£6.0bn. Automotive distribution and retail group
Find suitable joint venture partner for new venture in St. Petersburg Russia. Negotiate agreements Start up and integrate business Joint venture successfully established with $350m business. Integration and business plan fully achieved in first years of operation
€750m International Automotive Distributor and Retailer
Prepare top level business forecasts and evaluation for potential acquisition of €70m turnover business in Eastern Europe Completed acqusition business case and assisted in negotiations
$40M Consultancy
UK, USA, Germany, France, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong
As Non-Executive Director review business strategy, monitor performance and management strength. Advise Board on business development Improved corporate governance procedures and controls. Assisted in new strategy development
International Private Equity organisation Review business forecasts and evaluation for $250m acquisition in China Detailed report including sensitivities, risks and opportunities